Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The 29th Olympiad

First of all, I don't really know why they call it that and think it's kinda weird but that doesn't really matter. I love the Olympics none the less. I have watched the Olympics for as long as I can remember. It's so much fun. I think I am more a fan of the Summer Olympics than the Winter Olympics. I love gymnastics. Since I was a cheerleader myself growing up I love the tumbling aspect of it. And with a star like Michael Phelps the swimming is so exciting too.

Last night though Collin and I were watching the U.S. women's gymnastics team compete for the team gold and I found myself hoping for the Chinese girls to mess up. I don't really know if this is ok?!? I am just cheering for my team and I suppose having the other team mess up is part of it sometimes but there just seems to be something wrong with that. I mean I am still going to cheer for my team but hopefully they can just be good enough to win without the other team having to mess up.


1 comment:

Abby said...

That is so funny! Last night when the last girl from China was doing her floor exercise I said "I hope she falls and rolls out of bounds. Then she'd have two mistakes in one." Its the competitiveness in us I think :) You're not alone