Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How big is Maddox? - 28 weeks

Another week has passed and it's time to see how much Maddox has grown. If we go by the typical 4 weeks in a month calculation then I am now officially 7 months pregnant. The only problem with doing it that way is that I have 12 weeks (3 months) left until my due date which would make me 10 months pregnant by the end. The reason that happens is because pregnancy is based on gestational age which is 40 weeks. Pregnancy is actually 9 1/2 months and then they tack on 2 weeks at the beginning from the first day of you missed period to the day you actually conceive, giving you 40 weeks. That is why when someone asks how far along I am I generally tell them in weeks. It's just a little confusing to figure out the months and what not. Either way thought we have 12 weeks left until our due date which is really crazy. We have a lot of stuff coming up in the next couple of months so even though everyone says these last few weeks go the slowest I'm thinking they might just fly by as well. Enough chit-chat though, let's see how big Maddox is this week...

By this week, Maddox weighs about two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

On a side note...yesterday I put headphones up to my belly and let Maddox listen to some music for the first time and I think he really liked it. He was moving around like crazy!! I've heard that music can be beneficial to their brain development, whether or not that is true I don't know but he seemed to like it none the less.

I also wanted to share that I ordered his crib bedding a few days ago and it should be delivered sometime tomorrow. Hopefully, it's as cute in person as it is on the internet!!

Also, just fyi, we will be having our repeat 3D ultrasound on Friday at 11 am. Hopefully, Maddox will be a little more cooperative this time. I'll post those pics on Friday :D.

Last thing...we have our 2nd prepared childbirth class tonight. I'll be sure to let you know what we learned in tomorrow's post. :D


1 comment:

The Shoes said...

I can't believe you are already in your 3rd trimester! It flies, doesn't it? You'll be holding your little guy before you know it!