Thursday, September 4, 2008


OK...So I know this is a touchy subject but today I'm going there. However, I'm not writing this blog to examine the pros and cons of Obama or to discuss the foreign and economical policies of McCain. I am writing this blog to share my feelings on the campaign process in general.

I'll be honest I don't keep up with politics very much at all but with the conventions going on I have caught a little here and there from both the DNC and the RNC. And I have to admit I do not like what I saw. I know I don't post about serious stuff on here very often but this is just so disturbing to me.

I don't understand why each party feels the need to run on the basis of the negatives of their opponent instead of on the positives they can bring to the office. I also don't understand how the crowds of people who attend these events feel it's acceptable for their candidates and supporters to stand up and bash someone else for the sake of their own gain. In my opinion it's just not Christian. I realize that everyone who attends these events are not Christians but I also think its safe to say that there are some Christians in attendance who are supporting this kind of behavior. Obviously, I don't know for sure but I would bet that a lot of the stuff being said is not even true. It just blows my mind how many bad things have been said by both parties about the opposing candidates in the last 2 weeks alone.

It doesn't matter if you are a democrat or a republican, a man or a woman, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, a janitor, or a stay at home mom...we are Christians first and foremost! And as Christians we are called to live in a way that reflects Christ in everything we do. It seems to me that a lot of people forget that when rooting on their chosen candidate. I think some people get so caught up in the views, policies and promises of the candidates that they don't even realize they are behaving in a way that I don't believe Christ would approve of.

I know I have gone to a sticky place here but in the midst of this election it has been on my mind a lot. I know everyone has their own idea of who will be best as the next president and vice-president of the United States. I honestly have no clue who will do the best job but I do know that as Christians we are called by Paul in Ephesians to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. And I don't think cheering on people who are slandering someone else's name is living that way.

I sincerely hope I have not offended anyone by what I have said today. That was by no means my intent. I just wanted to bring to attention my observations and concerns regarding the campaign process. Please feel free to share your views and feelings with me as well. I would love to hear what others have to say about this.



Ashley said...

Amen sister!

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts, Holly. The best book I've read this year is "Jesus for President" by Shane Claiborne. Might add a little to what you're thinking. :) Hope you're doing well in CO.