Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Doctor's Appointment

I had my last pre-natal doctor's appointment this morning before we get induced on Tuesday!! Everything is still pretty much the same. My blood pressure was a tiny bit high at 139/81 but Dr. G wasn't concerned about it since it has been fine the rest of the time and because I didn't have any trouble with pre-ecclampsia during my 1st pregnancy. Addison's heart rate was 134. I still haven't dilated at all but I am 60% effaced. I am still measuring at 36 weeks but he said that is somewhat normal for girls without much body fat. Dr. G said my progress really had no impact on the induction so that is good to hear. I got all of our paperwork for when we go in and all we have to do now is call right before we go to make sure they aren't too busy that morning!!

Only 6 more days to go!!! Can't wait to meet baby girl!!


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