Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Not funny....but funny!!

Just a quick funny Maddox story from this morning...

I got him out of the bath today and after I dried him off I let him stand naked while I put tooth paste on his tooth brush for him. As I was doing so, I heard the sound of splashing on the tile floor and quickly realized that he was peeing on the floor. Not a huge deal since it was on tile but his reaction cracked me up. Once he realized what was happening he look down and exclaimed with joy and excitement "WHOA!!" It was hilarious. He was like wow I didn't know that worked like that lol. He of course wears a diaper at all times except for bath and when we are changing him so he has never seen himself pee before. Obviously, I know its not something to encourage because then I will be in big trouble and end up cleaning up a lot of pee off of the floor but his reaction to see that for the first time was quite comical for me this morning.
