Tuesday, December 1, 2009

5 Months

I can't believe my buddy is 5 months old!! He has already grown and changed so much in what seems like such a short amount of time!!

Here is what's going on with Mr. Maddox at 5 months...

*he weighs a little over 15 lbs.
*he wears size 3-6 month clothes and size 2 shoes
*he wears size 2 diapers
*he loves his paci but doesn't depend on it to go to sleep at night
*he loves watching his Praise Babies and Baby Einstein dvd's
*he can roll over from his tummy to his back but not his back to his tummy yet
*he eats 6 oz. every 3 hours as well as a little rice cereal and some baby food
*he has eaten sweet potatoes, squash and green peas and has LOVED all of them!!
*he is still not a very good napper but sleeps well at night
*he has the sweetest giggle and I can't get enough of it

Obviously, that isn't everything but I think it's the high points. Another thing going on right now is that I have decided to stop breast feeding. I won't quit cold turkey but I have switched all day feedings to formula and will just nurse first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. My goal was to make it until 6 months so I will continue this schedule for the rest of the month and then be completely finished. I really think Maddox will be a lot happier because he will be more full and it's just easier to have other people be able to help out and feed him. It's sort of a bittersweet thing because it is such a special time between a mom and a baby but the time has come to move past this phase and it will make life a little easier for me!!

So, thats about it for Maddox right now at 5 months. We have a busy month coming up with the holidays. Lots of parties and a 2 week trip to Texas!! So look forward to hearing about those things. I will leave you with some new pics of my sweet little boy :D.

Precious little smile!!

Look Mom, I can fit my entire hand in my mouth!! :D



Anonymous said...

Maddox is so precious and what a blessing!!! What precious pictures!!! It is amazing that he is 5 months old already!! We enjoyed our visit with you all over the Thanksgiving holidays!!! How thankful we are for each one of you!!!
Love, Diane
P.S. Cute t-shirt and shoes!!!

Unknown said...

HOLLY!! He is looking SO grown up!!!! Such a stud-muffin :)

im glad you guys are having so much fun with him! It's seriously insane how quickly the time passes.

Laura Beth and Cliff said...

I think those are my favorite pics to date!