Tuesday, December 29, 2009

6 Months Old

My little buddy is 6 months old today!! I CAN"T believe it!! He is half way to his 1st birthday. He doesn't have his 6 month check-up at the pediatrician until next week so I don't have his weight and height right now but I will post some of the things he is doing right now and post those other things after his appointment. I will also post 6 month pictures later as well. He is already asleep tonight and I haven't done his monthly "photoshoot" yet.

But this is what he is up to right now at 6 months...

*He is wearing 3-6 months clothes.
*He is wearing size 2 shoes.
*He is wearing size 2-3 diapers.
*He is eating 6-8 oz. of formula every 3 hours.
*He is eating baby food 1-2 times each day.
*He has tried sweet potatoes, squash, sweet peas, green beans, bananas, oatmeal, and rice cereal.
*The only thing he hasn't liked are green beans.
*He liked the bananas but they gave him horrible diaper rash.
*He is smiling and giggling up a storm.
*He can sit up by him self for the most part but still tips over every now and then.
*He rolls over from his tummy to his back but not his back to his tummy.
*He still does not enjoy tummy time.
*He LOVES watching his Praise Baby DVDs.
*He goes to bed at about 7:30 pm and sleeps about 12 hours a night.
*He cat naps during the day and has yet to get into a good routine of napping.
*He is becoming more and more interested in books and toys.
*He has added a new HIGH pitched squeal to his repertoire of noises.

That is all I can think of at the moment but I'm certain there are more things I could post. It is just so much fun to watch him grow and learn new things. He is becoming more and more active and curious about his surroundings. I know like will get more challenging as he becomes more mobile but it will also get that much more exciting!!

Pictures to come soon!! :D



Laura Beth and Cliff said...

Ahhh Holly....So exciting. They really do grow up so fast!!!! I'm sad I still haven't met the little guy yet.

Alison said...

We got your Christmas card today...thank you so much. It means a great deal that you would send it all the way here. I cannot believe how big Maddox is. I replaced his birth announcement picture with your new one, and it was amazing the difference! Wish we could hang out with our little guys...miss you. Have a wonderful New Year!