Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So, one of my least favorite places to go in the whole world is the dentist!! I avoid it at all costs!! However, while I was pregnant I had a filling break leaving a whole in one of my teeth. I put it off for as long as I could and finally made an appointment to go see the dentist last Friday. Turns out that I ended up getting a cavity under that broken filling since I waited so long to get it fixed. Unfortunately, that meant I had to get a crown on that tooth (a very expensive crown I might add).

They did all the the drilling (the worst sound in the world) at the appointment on Friday and put a temporary crown on and I went back today to have the permanent one put on. The tooth has been very sensitive since then but I am hoping now that the permanent one is on that it will get better.

A big bummer though is that I got a HUGE ulcer (canker sore) up where they gave me the numbing shots. Those things hurt so bad. I showed the dentist and he did some laser thing on it and now my whole cheek is swollen and it looks disgusting in there. Allegedly, this is supposed to help it heal faster but I'm not so sure that I would just rather have dealt with the ulcer.

Oh well, I'm just glad the broken filling is fixed. What a pain!!


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