Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Big Boy Potty

So this may be TMI but this is my blog and a had to document this momentous day!! This afternoon Maddox went poopoo in the big boy potty for the first time!! Earlier this morning he said something about his Elmo potty (it's one of those seats that goes on top of the big potty seat) and so I asked if he wanted to go sit on it and he said yes. He sat there a while but with no luck so I figured I'd just ask him again later. So he sat on his Elmo potty probably 5 times today and tried to potty but couldn't make it happen. Just a few toots. Bur that at least told me that he knew what to do. Then this afternoon I noticed him working on it with his diaper so I rushed him to the bathroom and put him on the toilet and he went!! He was so excited and proud of himself!! He got to flush and then wash his hands with his new Sponge Bob soap!! It happened right at Daddy was walking in the door so we got to tell him right away so he could be excited with us!! We were in a hurry to head out for dinner but we face timed with Kiki, Aunt Mo and Aunt Heathie real quick to tell them the exciting news!!

I know we are a long way from being fully potty trained but this is definitely the first step!! I don't really know how to go about the peepee part of the training but we will just work on the pooping part and go from there!!

It's funny how when you have kids the thing you get excited about change drastically!!

Here is my big boy getting ready for bed with his daddy!!


Judy said...

Tell Maddox Miss Judy is so proud of him!!! That's quite an accomplishment! We miss you guys! Xoxo

Diane said...

Way to go M!! Sure like your Buzz and Woody unders!!