Monday, September 26, 2011

Addison's 4 Month Check Up

Today Miss Addison had her 4 month well check. Dr. Connie said she was just perfect!! What every parent wants to hear!! She is growing great and right on track developmentally!! She now weighs 14 lbs. 5 oz., which is in the 55th percentile and is 24 1/4 in. long, which is in the 75th percentile. She doesn't officially turn 4 months for a few more days so I will post her pictures then but here are a few things she is up to these days...

*Size 1 diapers but we could definitely move up to size 2...I just have a lot of 1's left so I'm trying to use them up!!
*Size 3-6 month clothes
*Super duper smiley!!
*She does little giggles a lot but we haven't been able to get the big giggle out of her yet.
*She loves bath time still.
*She had her first go at rice cereal today and seemed to like it ok. But as is common with those early days of eating solids, I think more ended up on her than actually in her tummy.
*She catnaps throughout the day and will usually take one good (3ish hours) nap a day.
*She isn't sleeping through the night yet (uggg) but Dr. Connie said she should start in the next month!! I hope it comes soon!!
*She really enjoys tummy time and just lifts her head up and looks all around.
*We'er about 50/50 on whether she screams in the car these days. Sometimes she is the perfect angel and sometimes she screams from the moment we put her in there seat to the moment we get her out. Hopefully this is resolved by the time we drive to Texas in October!!

I think that is about it right now!! I will post her pics in a few days!! :D


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