Monday, November 23, 2009

Doctor's Appointment Update

About a month ago when I posted about Maddox's 4 month check up I told you that he had a tight muscle in his neck that was causing him to always look to the left. Today we went back to the pediatrician so she could check it out again after a month of doing stretches. Thankfully, Dr. Connie said she thought it was loosened up and didn't seem to be a problem anymore. I was so glad to hear that because if it had not loosened up then we would have had to take him to physical therapy. He is now looking to the right a lot more when he is sitting up and being held. He does still prefer the left and still sleeps with his head to the left but Dr. Connie said that since he is spending more and more time in the upright position that it will continue to get better. Now I just hope the back if his head rounds back out because it has gotten pretty flat from him always laying the same way.

And since we were at the dr. they went ahead and weighed him and at 5 months he weighs 15 lbs. 1.8 oz. :D.


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