Thursday, January 26, 2012

Steroid Rage

So I last posted about Maddox's new breathing treatments.  He has been on them just over a week now and is still taking them like a champ each morning and evening.  The only problem is that the steroids are REALLY effecting his behavior!  I mean like he is a complete Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!  One minute he is fine and the next he is throwing an ALL OUT fit because he can't have a cookie or because we tell him its time to go potty.  It is absolutely horrible.  This happens on and off all day every day.  It is also making him super wild.  He just zips here and there all day wears me out.  People have told me that this will get better as he gets used to the way the meds make him feel but right now it is a lot to handle.  Prayers would be appreciated that he would adjust to the way the steroids make him feel and get back to his happy self soon!!


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