Thursday, January 19, 2012

Breathing Treatments

I mentioned the other day in my post about Maddox that we would be taking him to the doctor to look into his recurring croup.  At his appointment his doctor decided to put him on some breathing treatments through the winter and spring months.  So we left the office with and "occu-chamber" and a prescription for an inhaler.  He has to have 2 doses twice a day through the month of May. Hopefully this will help us get through these next few months without any serious cases or croup.

We really weren't sure how he would handle the treatments but he has done awesome!  We told him he gets super powers from them and he thinks that is pretty cool!  I am so thankful he is doing so well with them because I know it could have been a horrible battle to get him to take them!  He actually thinks it is really funny and just smiles the entire time!  I really hope this works because he is so pitiful when he get croup and it is pretty scary when he struggles with his breathing!


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