Well this week we have set out on a new adventure with our sweet Addison. I can't say it's a fun one thought. I had been having suspicions for a while that sis was having some problems digesting dairy but it wasn't until I did a little experiment that I became pretty sure something was going on. My once easy, always happy baby had become fussy most of the time and was have some serious on going problems with constipation. So I took it upon myself to try and take most dairy out of her diet just for a couple of days and the results were amazing. Addison was like a totally different child. She was smiling and laughing constantly and just in so much of a better mood. After a couple days I started giving her yogurt and dairy products again and low and behold she got grumpy and fussy again.
So I called her pediatrician on Wednesday and told them the situation. They suggested we eliminate ALL dairy for a week and then slowly add dairy products back in to see how she reacts to them. We will then discuss how things are going at her 15 month appointment next month. Hopefully, this will be something we can correct or she will grow out of. Just these past couple of days I have been realized just how many products have dairy in them...man its A LOT!! But if it is something we have to deal with on going it will be ok. Plenty of people cope with allergies and we will do whatever we need to do to keep our baby girl healthy and feeling well!! I will keep you updated on this as time goes on and we figure more out!