Wednesday, March 26, 2008

8 years, 3 months, and 25 days

8 years, 3 months and 25 days. That's how long it has been since my 16th birthday and that is how long I went without being pulled over by a police officer.

Monday was the end of that 8 year, 3 month and 25 day streak. I was driving home from work and was about to go through a yellow light when I saw him sitting at the light perpendicular from me. I panicked and stopped really fast but ended up in the middle of the intersection. I backed up and waited for the light to turn green. By that time the police officer had turned right, made a u-turn and was waiting behind me for the light to turn green. Once it did he flipped on the lights and pulled me over.

I was in the left lane so I pulled into the turn lane and then turned into a parking lot to get off the street. The first thing he asked me was "have you been drinking? Are you on any medications?" To which my answer was "no sir." I have to say I was a bit insulted because I don't think I look like someone that would have been drunk or high at 5 pm on a Monday evening but I guess that is his job. He then informed me that if you have a drivers license you are supposed to know that if you get pulled over you are always supposed to pull over to the right side, which as I said before I pulled over to the left. He then took my license and insurance and went back to his car for what seemed like an eternity. I saw him getting his clip board out in my rear view mirror and was certain he was going to give me a ticket. At this tears started to sting my eyes. I mean I didn't even technically run the But moments later he came back with only my license and insurance and told me he was only going to give me a warning and gave me a short lecture on paying attention while driving, which I graciously received as opposed to a ticket.

Since Monday I have been much more careful while driving. (Who knows how long that will last.) I am very thankful for the grace that was show to me on that day. It was not a fun experience but unfortunately it will probably happen again some time in my driving experience. I just hope it's not any time soon. Lesson learned...for now.

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