Monday, July 28, 2008

Colorado Stuff

This morning Collin and I took a big step in becoming official Colorado residents and this evening we will take another one. This morning we went and got our cars registered and got Colorado license plates. We had been dreading doing this because we had heard it was really expensive but we were pleasantly surprised when it was a lot less than we had expected. It was still much more than it costs in Texas to register your car not as bad as we thought it was going to be. Here is a picture of my new license plate...I blurred out the number so the whole world doesn't know it. At least it is prettier than my Texas plates. :D

And this evening we will be going to the Sprint store and getting new cell phones with Colorado phone numbers. I'm really excited about this because I LOVE the new phone I am getting. At the same time it's kinda sad cuz its one more thing that takes us further from our lives in Texas. But that's ok. Every day I am getting more and more used to being here. If you read my blog and want my new number send me a message or e-mail me and I will give it to you!!



Heather Ainsworth said...

Hey Holly! My name is Heather, and I just stumbled over your blog. I live in Aurora Colorado (I used to live over where you guys are now), but we moved here for my husbands job change. Anyways, I love meeting new people especially good Christian friends! I think it is SO GREAT that your husband became a minister there! God Bless you guys in everything you do!
In Him,

Laura B said...

I have gone to reading the Dreaded Blog - but for you it is worth it. I like you blog design and pictures - looks great!

Love, Laura B