Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our Whole Lives in a 26 Foot Truck

Well, the truck is loaded and we are about half way to Colorado. Currently we are sitting in our hotel room in Amarillo waiting for our pizza delivery to get here. It has been a busy couple of days and will continue to be busy for the next few days until we get moved into our apartment.

We were very blessed to have some good friends come over and help us get the truck loaded today. We were originally planning on spending all day loading the truck and then just driving the whole way on Wednesday but since we got it finished so quickly we decided to head out today and make the trip in 2 days instead. I'm glad we decided to do that because the truck can't go very fast and the seat is a bit uncomfortable so its nice to break it up a bit. The trip has gone very smoothly so far and hopefully the same will go for the remainder of the trip.

It's really kinda weird to see the truck and know that everything we own is in it. We are so ready to get moved in and settled. It will be a wonderful feeling to have everything back in its place. I'll keep you updated on how the rest of the move goes. Pray for safety as we travel and smoothness for the rest of our move.


1 comment:

alisonthompson said...

holly, i totally know what you mean about the weird feelings of a truck holding all of your belongings. driving away from our home in abilene was sad a bit. we are so excited for y'all. love you guys!