Friday, April 29, 2011

Sir Talks A Lot

As I have said before, since we took away Maddox's paci he has been talking non-stop!! So I thought I would try and document some of the things he is saying right now at 22 months. I know I will forget some but here goes...

*taint to = Thank You
*wres shu = Wrestle with me
*hold shu = Hold Me
*pease = Please
*op = open
*choc = Chocolate Milk
*noo = Noodles
*traw = color (draw)
*warsh = wash
*tishie = Fishy
*uf uf = Dog
*ow ow ow = Kitty
*tute = cute (he says this about all of Addison's stuff now)
*b-ball = baseball
*wach tis = watch this
*tet go = ready set go
*dat = that (usually associated with pointing at something)

Characters He knows:
*Memo = Nemo
*Mick = Mickey Mouse
*Min = Minnie Mouse
*Buzz = Buzz Lightyear
*Woo = Woody
*Jesse = Jesse
*BobBob = Sponge Bob
*Emo = Elmo

People He knows:
*momma = Me
*dadda = Collin
*Kiki = My mom
*AuntMo = My sister, Morgan (pronounced as all one word)
*Peeg = My brother, PJ
*Bear = my dad
*Heath = my sister, Heather
*Wawa = our sister in law, Lara
*Tark = Collin's brother, Clark
*Dee = Collin's Mom
*Papa = Collin's Dad (even though he wants to be called Poppy)
*Gigi = My bff, Jennifer
*Wewe = Jennifer's daughter, Laney
*BooBoo = Jennifer's son, Kolby
*D = My friend and Jennifer's sister, Danielle
*Mimi = Jennifer and Danielle's mom

I know he says a lot more besides that but a lot of it he says the word just how it is so I didn't think I needed to put all of those down. It is so fun watching his learn new things. I often have to be the interpreter for people because if you aren't around him a lot it can be somewhat difficult to understand him. It's amazing though how clearly I can understand most things he is saying just from always being with him. I love that he is able to communicate with us more these makes life much easier!!


1 comment:

Lauren said...

Maddox is precious! He's growing way too fast. I wish I could hear him say all of those sweet words.