Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pediatrician - check

At our childbirth class this week (which I just realized I forgot to post about) we were told that we needed to have a pediatrician lined up for when Maddox is born because every day that we are ing the hospital after the birth he has to be seen by one. So I decided I would get on that and get one lined up. It's always hard to find new doctors when you haven't been in a place for long but conveniently my OB's wife just happens to be a pediatrician. He wasn't the one to tell me that but I have some friends that go to her and really like her a lot. So that made it easy. I called this morning and have gotten all registered with them so it is nice to be able to check one more thing off of our list!!

And since I forgot to blog about our childbirth class this week I'll do it now :D. This week we talked about what they call "interventions" but what we all know as We watched a video about epidurals and the pro's and con's of having one and not having one. We also talked about c-sections and watched a video about that. We then got to take a tour of the hospital and see where everything is going to happen. It was neat to see the delivery room, nursery, and postpartum room...they are all very nice.


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