Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Packer Party of 4!!

Our first picture as a family of 4!!

Addison Grace

Born at 5:26 pm, 7 lbs even, 20 1/2 in. long! She is a perfect gift from God!!

Miss Addison Grace Packer

Addison Grace was born at 5:26 pm and weighs 7 lbs even, a whole pound and a half smaller than her brother was!!! I'm doing great and she is absolutely perfect!! More pics to come later!!


At a 7...pretty uncomfortable right now...hopefully she comes soon!!


I'm at between a 3 and a 4 right now. They just started a little Pitocin to help move things along!

Epidural Heaven!

I have now had my epidural put in and am feeling good! Dr. G came and broke my water about 15 minutes ago so hopefully that moves things along!! Dawn, my nurse said I was at about a 3 right before he broke my water! yay for progress!!


Were making progress!! Dilated to a 2-3!! They are either going to break my water soon or start a little bit of Pitocin soon!! But my contractions are consistent and intense enough that we might not need the Pitocin! I'm thinking it about time to get my epidural! Getting pretty uncomfortable!!

Go time!

We are all checked in at the hospital an ready to go! I have gotten my IV in, just saw my Dr. and they are about to start my meds! Hopefully, thing go quickly and smoothly! Above all, we just want baby girl to be healthy! I'll keep you all updated as things progress!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

I Love You

Maddox has finally started saying I Love You (pronounced: wuv you) back to us when we say it to him! It is seriously cute! I have no idea if he has any clue what it means but it melts my heart every time regardless! I will try to get it on video sometime to share!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

5 Days!!

5 days people...as in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 until our induction date!! EEEEKKKK....I CAN'T wait to meet our precious baby girl!!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Doctor's Appointment

I had my last pre-natal doctor's appointment this morning before we get induced on Tuesday!! Everything is still pretty much the same. My blood pressure was a tiny bit high at 139/81 but Dr. G wasn't concerned about it since it has been fine the rest of the time and because I didn't have any trouble with pre-ecclampsia during my 1st pregnancy. Addison's heart rate was 134. I still haven't dilated at all but I am 60% effaced. I am still measuring at 36 weeks but he said that is somewhat normal for girls without much body fat. Dr. G said my progress really had no impact on the induction so that is good to hear. I got all of our paperwork for when we go in and all we have to do now is call right before we go to make sure they aren't too busy that morning!!

Only 6 more days to go!!! Can't wait to meet baby girl!!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Maternity Pictures

This afternoon I got home from lunch to find an e-mail in my inbox saying our maternity pictures were ready to be view...so exciting!!  We had so much fun taking these with Art and Karyn of Art Heffron Photography!!  They did a fabulous job and I am so happy with the way they turned out!!  I can't wait to get some printed!!  Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot.  If you are ever in need of a photographer in the Denver area, I highly, highly, highly recommend Art!!  I can't wait to do our newborn session with them once Miss Addison gets here!!

Sweet buddy already loves his baby sister and is so sweet when he talks to her and kisses my belly!!

Our little family of 3.5!! 

I promise this wasn't his reaction to being a big brother soon ;D

My 2 favorite boys in the whole wide world!!!

This one is my favorite of just me!!!

Love that sweet little face!!

Maddox Sandwich!!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Doctor's Appointment and Diaper Bag

We just got home from our weekly doctor's appointment. Everything still looks good...Addison's heart rate was 135 and the nurse said my bp was a little high on the top number but still fine. Dr. G said my Group B Strep test came back negative so that is good!! Unfortunately, he also said that I haven't made any progress from last week. Boo!! That's ok thought because we are only a little over 37 weeks right now and I am actually measuring at only 36 weeks!! I'm kinda thankful for that though because hopefully that means baby girl won't be as big as her brother was when he was born!! :D We go back next Wednesday at 9:45 am for our next appointment!! I'm crossing my fingers for some progress this week!!

While we were gone my fabulous new diaper bag was delivered so that is super fun!! I absolutely love it and filled it up with all of Addi's stuff for the hospital as soon as we walked in the door!! Now that I have her bag packed, I think I am completely ready for her to make her grand appearance!! I know our families are really hoping she will hold out until her induction date on the 31st and I would love for them to be here when she comes but I have to be honest and say that I am SUPER uncomfortable these day and would really just like to not be pregnant anymore!! I am not sleeping well and I have to go to the bathroom literally every 30 minutes it seems. I am also having a lot more heart burn and when I do have contractions they are much more uncomfortable than earlier on in the pregnancy. Either way though, I know we only have 13 days max until she comes so I can make it even if she decides to wait it out!! We are definitely counting down the days now until we get to meet our baby girl!!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Crafting Success

So, I saw this adorable onesie with huge flowers on the bottom at the mall and fell in love with it!! I really wanted it for Miss Addison to wear in her newborn pictures because obviously it is way too impractical to actually put on her to wear out...I mean the flowers would get completely smashed in the carseat!! The only problem was that it cost $40...which I felt was totally crazy. So off to Hobby Lobby I went to see if I could make it myself. I think it turned out so cute and I even made a matching hat!! AND the best part is all of it only cost me a total of $12!! Way better than the $40 price tag at the mall!!



Today, Miss Addison is officially full term!! I CAN'T believe we are already here!! I am so thankful things have gone so smoothly this far and am just continuing to pray that the same goes for the remaining time and delivery!!

There are still times when I have a hard time believing we are really having a little girl and freak out a little thinking what if she comes out a he...lol. But we are so excited for all the pink and bows that are about to be happening around here!!

At this point, I am still just having random contractions but every time I have one I wonder could this be the one that gets it all started?!?! Since we induced with Maddox I never actually went through the whole going into labor thing so it freaks me out a little that its going to happen at an awkward time or I'm not going know its happening and then have to rush to the hospital or something lol. Obviously, women do this everyday and it will be totally fine but its just a crazy feeling being this close...even the second time around!! I have no idea if she will decide to come before our induction date but I go to the doctor on Wednesday morning so I will find out if we have made any progress. I can definitely tell she has dropped and is pretty low but I haven't had any other symptoms telling me its going to happen anytime soon so we will see. I keep hearing that things typically go faster the second time around and you can go from nothing to having a baby pretty quickly so I'm just trying to be prepared for her to come at anytime!!

I updated a lot on here when I was in labor with Maddox and I am going to try to do the same with Addison!! It is so nice for me to be able to look back at that now and see how things progressed and be able to remember the experience because without being able to look back at it I know I would forget!! Stay tuned for an update from my appointment on Wednesday and then of course a full report when she decides to come!!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy B-Day Aunt Mo!!

Yesterday, my sister, Morgan, celebrated her 24th birthday so I just wanted to give her a little shout out!! It makes me sad that I can't be in Texas to celebrate all the family birthdays but what can ya do?!?!

I hope you had a fabulous day though!! Can't wait to see you again soon!!



So I knew this day would come but now that it's here I'm not really sure what to do with it. No Addison has not decided to arrive yet...this has nothing to do with her and everything to do with her big brother. Maddox has officially found his private parts and bottom. He points to his bottom and says "bot" and then to the front and says "peepee." I just know we are destined for one of those super embarrassing public situations that we have all witnessed, when he decides to proclaim to the world that he has private parts and knows where they are and what they are called. So far it has just happened at home so I just ignore him and we move on but I know that dreaded day is coming sometime soon. LOL. Oh well what can you do right?!?!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SURPRISE...Addison's Shower

Last Thursday evening my fabulous friends threw me a sweet little shower filled with lots of pink and ruffles for Miss Addison!!  I had no idea they had this in the works!!  It was so much fun and I am so thankful to have such wonderful friends!!  I don't have a ton of pics because I didn't know I needed to bring my camera but here are a few that my mom took...

Thanks to everyone who was a part of this little surprise!!

My sweet little buddy enjoying some of the yummy shower desserts!!

The precious quilt one of our friends from church made for Miss Addison!!

LOVE these sweet little bloomers!!

Maddox hanging out with D

My amazing hostesses!!  Thanks so much you guys!!  Love ya lots!!

My mom and sister who were also in on the surprise!! :D
Addison got SOOO much cute stuff!!  I can't wait to play dress up with her when she gets here!!  Thanks again to everyone who came and made my shower special and to my hostesses for planning this little surprise!!  Love you all!!


Kiki and Aunt Mo Visit

Last week Collin was in California for the Pepperdine lectures and since I am already so far along with Addison I wasn't able to go. Thankfully, my mom and sister came for a few days to stay with Maddox and me while he was gone!! We has so much fun and Maddox LOVED getting to spend some time with Kiki and Aunt Mo!!

They got here on Wednesday evening just in time for dinner so we headed to Red Lobster.  When we got to the house Maddox got to stay up past bedtime to play for a while with Kiki and Aunt Mo!!

On Thursday morning we loaded up and headed to the Denver Zoo.  It was a really nice day outside and as usual Maddox loved it.  His favorite animal this time was the frafs (aka giraffes)!  We spent a couple of hours there and then headed to a delicious Italian buffet called Cinzetti's.  If you are ever in Denver it is def a must!!  Thursday night, we had dinner at Pei Wei and then my mom and sister joined in on a big surprise that I had no idea about but that will get a post of it's own later today or tomorrow!!

On Friday we spent a little time at the mall, had CPK for lunch (Maddox loved the spinach artichoke dip!!), played outside a lot, and had Hacienda Colorado for dinner!!

Their last day here we went to an outdoor market things that was also at an outdoor mall.  The weather was beautiful!!

We had so much fun with them here!!  The weather was great which was nice because that meant we got to play outside a lot...Maddox's favorite thing!!  It is so fun that he is finally recognizing and remembering family when they come to visit!!  We can't wait for them to get to come back in a few weeks for Addison's birth!! I know Maddox will love having them here!!  Thanks guys for coming and keeping us company while daddy was out of town!!
